
Learn how to use v-onboarding in your Vue application.

  • Create a steps array
const steps = [
  { attachTo: { element: '#foo' }, content: { title: "Welcome!" } }

See Step for available options

  • Create a ref to pass to the VOnboardingWrapper component and useVOnboarding composable
const wrapper = ref(null)
const { start, goToStep, finish } = useVOnboarding(wrapper)

  <VOnboardingWrapper ref="wrapper" :steps="steps" />
    <button id="foo">Welcome</button>

import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'
import { VOnboardingWrapper, useVOnboarding } from 'v-onboarding'
import 'v-onboarding/dist/style.css'
export default defineComponent ({
  components: {
  setup() {
    const wrapper = ref(null)
    const { start, goToStep, finish } = useVOnboarding(wrapper)
    const steps = [
      { attachTo: { element: '#foo' }, content: { title: "Welcome!" } }

    return {

You can now start the onboarding by calling start function in onMounted or in another function

onMounted(() => start())

Please check out the Advanced Usage if you want to customize the step UI